Electrical Muscle Stimulator Acupuncture Therapy
The massager based on the physics, bionics, biological electrical, traditional Chinese medicine science of channels and collaterals principle.
It combined with a large number of clinical practice and adopted the modern microcomputer control technology research and development of the latest generation of health care products.
It not only has the function of acupuncture, thump, massage, cupping, massage, scrapping, thin body, but also has unique immune regulating function, and ingenuity to develop normal temperature infrared spectrum electrode, make the therapy effect more wonderful.
It’s portable, effective and good for health.
Digital display for treatment guide.
Uses the medical physical therapy electrodes.
6 pre-programmed exercise programs and 10 massage power levels.
Suitable for waist, shoulders, legs, foot massage and physical therapy.
4 therapeutic modes: vibrate thump, Shiatsu, Massage, Pat and Scrape therapy.
It has the multiple functions of acupuncture, scraping, cupping and massage.
The electronic pulse promotes your blood circulation, relieves your pain and promotes your metabolism.
Power Supply: DC 5V
Current: 500mA
Frequency: 1-50Hz
Power: 2.5W
Pulse intensity: 10 levels
Package Includes
* Massager*1
It combined with a large number of clinical practice and adopted the modern microcomputer control technology research and development of the latest generation of health care products.
It not only has the function of acupuncture, thump, massage, cupping, massage, scrapping, thin body, but also has unique immune regulating function, and ingenuity to develop normal temperature infrared spectrum electrode, make the therapy effect more wonderful.
It’s portable, effective and good for health.
Digital display for treatment guide.
Uses the medical physical therapy electrodes.
6 pre-programmed exercise programs and 10 massage power levels.
Suitable for waist, shoulders, legs, foot massage and physical therapy.
4 therapeutic modes: vibrate thump, Shiatsu, Massage, Pat and Scrape therapy.
It has the multiple functions of acupuncture, scraping, cupping and massage.
The electronic pulse promotes your blood circulation, relieves your pain and promotes your metabolism.
Power Supply: DC 5V
Current: 500mA
Frequency: 1-50Hz
Power: 2.5W
Pulse intensity: 10 levels
Package Includes
* Massager*1